


黄琴越南語Hoàng Cầm;1920年4月30日—2013年8月19日),越南人民军上将,原越南第4军区司令。曾任越共中央政治局委员、越南人民军总监察(军队监察委员会总监察长)、越南第七届国会代表等职。越战期间,一直在南方指挥作战,曾于1972年指挥阮惠进攻战役。1974年晋升为少将,同年7月任第4军首任军长,指挥了福隆战役。1975年4月率領所属部队参加了胡志明战役,於4月30日攻陷前南越首都西贡,史稱「430事件」。[1][2][3]


  1. ^ The Vietnamese War: Revolution and Social Change in the Mekong Volume 1 - Page 249 David W. P. Elliott - 2003 "... and cook without fire (this certainly refers to the famous Hoang Cam stove, named after its Viet Minh inventor, who discovered a way of"
  2. ^ The Tragedy of the Vietnam War: A South Vietnamese Officer's Analysis - Page 203 Van Nguyen Duong - 2008 "The NVA IV Corps of Major General Hoang Cam, comprised the 341st, 2nd and 7th Divisions plus an artillery regiment and an armored regiment assailed the ARVN 18th Division along inter-provincial Route 20 and at Xuan-Loc, the capital city "
  3. ^ Hoàng, Phan. Phỏng vấn các tướng lĩnh Việt Nam: tập 1-2-3. Trẻ. 1999: 10 [2015-01-09]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-16) (越南语).