


數位遊牧工作者是使用遠端通訊科技或技術來營生且透過在世界各地遊牧的方式生活的一群人[1]這樣的生活型態經常是在辦公室以外的場所(例如國外、咖啡廳 、圖書館、共同工作空間、或露營車上)工作。[2][3]這經常是需要借助擁有無線網路能力的裝置來達到,例如智慧型手機行動熱點英语MiFi。成功的數位遊牧工作者一般而言會準備財務緩衝。數位遊牧社群已經開始推動多樣的活動,例如遊牧渡輪(暫譯:Nomad Cruise)。數位遊牧工作者的樣貌多樣,而常見的數位遊牧工作者的身份可能有難民、家庭背景富裕者、年輕族群、與創業者。會以數位遊牧的方式生活的人通常是因為嚮往這種生活方式的好處,例如財務自由以及能夠允許工作地點自由選擇。然而也有一些負面的原因導致人們成為數位遊牧工作者,比方因失去全職工作、政治動盪、或是原居住國的生活成本過於高昂。


目前已知使用「數位遊牧」一詞的最早時間在1997年,出自Wiley教育出版集團所發行的一本書名。此書由Tsugio Makimoto與David Manners合寫,但無法確定此詞彙是此書所創、或其借用他處既存的詞[4] 。數位遊牧民族會使用無線網路、智慧型手機、網路通話雲端運算這類應用來在他們生活或旅遊的地方遠距地工作[5][6]。數位遊牧工作者也會利用共同工作空間、咖啡廳、替人看家英语house sitting的協議、合用辦公室[7]。數位遊牧運動的基礎是遠距工作,這樣的工作方式允許人們在家或其他地方透過網路來工作[8]。數位遊牧工作者可能也會為了讓旅行更輕鬆而賣掉各種身家財產,也有人會出售或出租自己的家[9]


所在地獨立性(location independence)英语location independence」一詞是於2006年由Lea Woodward提出,用以描述數位遊牧工作者的生活風格[4]


在這個詞彙被創造之前就有人是符合這種生活型態的[4]。早期的「數位遊牧者」是史蒂夫·羅伯茲(Steve Roberts),他在1983年便騎著電腦化的斜躺式自行車四處遊歷,他曾經被Popular Computing英语Popular Computing雜誌作為專題介紹[4]。 In 1985, a satellite system called Motosat was established, allowing greater access to the Internet.[4] Digital nomads over time gained more ability to live that lifestyle. Such advancements include Wi-Fi Internet and Internet-enabled laptops.[4] The digital nomad lifestyle is rapidly growing in popularity since 2014, when websites ranking cities by cost of living, weather and internet speed to help nomads choose where to live [14][15] and international conferences for digital nomads like DNX sprung up.[16][17][18][19] Since then the movement has coincided with the rise of remote work becoming a viable way to work, especially in technology companies in Silicon Valley. Digital nomading began to become popular with brand names in 2009. National Geographic started the "Digital Nomad blog," and Dell Computers launched a short-lived website called Digital Nomads.[4] A documentary film about the digital nomad lifestyle by Christine and Drew Gilbert, titled The Wireless Generation, earned $37,000 in funding through Kickstarter.[4] A cruise called "The Nomad Cruise" was founded in order to offer a means by which digital nomads could meet and interact.[20]

Virtually anyone can attempt to live the digital nomad life, though certain groups are more representative in the community. These groups include younger people, entrepreneurs, refugees, nomads overall, people from well to do nations, and more.[20]


Certain destinations are among the more popular locations for digital nomads, including Chiang Mai, Thailand and Bali due to a low cost of living and reasonably high quality of life.[21] [13][22] Other cities include Tallinn, Tarifa, and Tbilisi due to critical mass and greater acceptance of the digital nomad lifestyle as well a relatively lower cost of living. Cities that have a higher cost of living exist for digital nomads, include Singapore and Oslo.[13] Other notable movements loosely related to digital nomads rising in popularity include Vandwelling英语Vandwelling. Due to the popularity, opportunities for people to live as a digital nomad in the area exist to facilitate this.[16] In the United Kingdom, certain cities such as Bristol, Birmingham, and Brighton are popular. This is due to the lower cost of living compared to London.[23] Organizations such as Innovation Birmingham exist to accommodate 90 technology companies.[23]


The digital nomad lifestyle became significantly more popular in recent years due to a number of factors. Internet connectivity becoming more widespread, even to rural areas, has done a world of good to help people travel to more areas (digital nomad or otherwise).[8][20] Jobs becoming less location-dependent (such as graphic designer英语graphic designers and writers) has also contributed to the ease of digital nomading.[20] There are some negative factors as well that cause people to become digital nomads. These include political unrest in their home countries, a high cost of living where they live, the diminishing of long-term employment, and more.[20]


Many digital nomads tend to come from more developed nations with passports allowing a greater degree of freedom of travel. As a result, many tend to travel on a tourist visa. While it is technically illegal for a digital nomad to work in a country on a tourist visa, many digital nomads tend to reside in locations with a lower cost of living while working remotely on projects outside their country of residence. In most countries, as long as the nomad is discreet and is not taking a job away from a local person, the authorities will turn a blind eye to nomad work. Visa runs are also often common in the digital nomad community. Some nomads have also attempted to legalize their stay by taking up part-time jobs in teaching English as well as taking university courses in their host country. In addition, digital nomads are often using their status as permanent travelers to escape the tax liability in their home countries without, however, immigrating to the tax system of another country.[24] Nevertheless, this practice is considered controversial amongst digital nomads.

This has resulted in the creation of several programs targeted at digital nomads such as the e-Residency英语E-Residency of Estonia in Estonia and a SMART visa program in Thailand. Estonia has also announced plans of a digital nomad visa, following its growing e-Residency applications.[25][26] Some digital nomads have also used Germany's residence permit for the purpose of freelance or self-employment[27] in order to legalize their stay.




  1. ^ Mohn, Tanya. How To Succeed At Becoming A Digital Nomad. 
  2. ^ Digital Nomad Definition. [24 August 2016]. 
  3. ^ How to become a digital nomad. DIY DIFM. [November 19, 2017]. 
  4. ^ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 Gilbert, Christine. A Brief History of Digital Nomading. Almost Fearless. September 6, 2013 [December 8, 2017]. 
  5. ^ Tsugio Makimoto & David Manners, Digital nomad, Wiley, 1 January 1997 
  6. ^ Mike Elgan英语Mike Elgan, Is Digital Nomad Living Going Mainstream?, Computerworld, 1 August 2009 
  7. ^ Colella, Kristin. 5 'digital nomads' share their stories from around the world. TheStreet.com英语TheStreet.com. 2016-07-13 [2016-07-30] (美国英语). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Nash, Caleece. Digital nomads beyond the buzzword: Defining digital nomadic work and use of digital technologies (PDF). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Feb 2018,. iConference 2018 –通过Springer. 
  9. ^ What is a digital nomad?. DIY DIFM. [August 1, 2018]. 
  10. ^ Lamarque, Hannah. The Rise of the Digital Nomad. Huffington Post. [7 August 2015]. 
  11. ^ Meggan Snedden (30 August 2013), When work is a nonstop vacation, BBC.com - Capital
  12. ^ Digital nomads travel the world while you rot in your office. Mashable. [7 August 2015]. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Traveling as a Digital Nomad. Scott's Cheap Flights. [November 23, 2017]. 
  14. ^ BBC Capital (22 November 2017), The digital nomads working in paradise, BBC
  15. ^ Anna Hart (17 May 2015), Living and working in paradise: the rise of the 'digital nomad', The Telegraph
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Hynes, Casey. Why Digital Nomads & Entrepreneurs Keep Choosing Chiang Mai. Forbes. [2017-09-20] (英语). 
  17. ^ Steven Melendez (23 March 2015), Work From Anywhere But Home: Startups Emerge to Turn You Into a Globetrotting Digital Nomad, Fast Company
  18. ^ Rosie Spinks (16 June 2015), Meet the 'digital nomads' who travel the world in search of fast Wi-Fi, The Guardian
  19. ^ Kavi Guppta (25 February 2015), Digital Nomads Are Redefining What It Means To Be Productive, Forbes
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 Binazar, Ali. My First Cruise: Learning, Friendship and Open Bar on the High Seas. Harvard.edu. November 14, 2017 [November 23, 2017]. 
  21. ^ CNN (27 June 2016), Want to escape the office? Top 10 cities for digital nomads, CNN
  22. ^ Bangkok, A Digital Nomad Hub – Moving Nomads. movingnomads.com. [2017-12-09] (英语). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Living and working in paradise: the rise of the 'digital nomad'. The Telegraph. May 17, 2015 [December 19, 2017]. 
  24. ^ Escaping the system – My pathway to freedom of tax and bureaucracy. Liberated.blog. [2018-06-03] (美国英语). 
  25. ^ Estonia plans its Digital Nomad Visa - Enterprise Times. Enterprise Times. 2018-02-27 [2018-03-02] (英国英语). 
  26. ^ Estonia to Launch Digital Nomad Visa - Emerging-Europe.com. Emerging-Europe.com. 2018-03-05 [2018-03-06] (美国英语). 
  27. ^ Residence permit for the purpose of freelance or self-employment - Issuance - Services - Dienstleistungen - Service Berlin - Berlin.de. service.berlin.de. [2018-03-02]. 
