
控罪一级伪造商业记录英语falsifying business records罪(34项)
Judge sitting胡安·默坎英语Juan Merchan







唐纳德·特朗普被控指示迈克尔·科恩英语Michael Cohen (lawyer)斯多米·丹尼尔斯(图)支付13万美金封口费

2006年7月,美国电影艳星斯多米·丹尼尔斯内华达州的名人高尔夫球锦标赛上结识特朗普,当时特朗普在主持电视真人秀《学徒》,也已经与妻子梅拉尼娅·特朗普结婚,两人的孩子巴伦·特朗普也已经出生[23]。据丹尼尔斯透露,特朗普邀请她到哈拉斯太浩湖英语Harrah's Lake Tahoe的顶层豪宅游玩[24],两人在房间里发生性关系,特朗普提出邀请她上《学徒》的计划[25][26]。2011年,丹尼尔斯打算将两人的故事卖给八卦杂志《生活与风格英语Life & Style (magazine)》,开价15万美金,彼时特朗普计划参选总统。随后《生活与风格》请求特朗普集团评论事件,特朗普的律师迈克尔·科恩英语Michael Cohen (lawyer)扬言起诉之。同年10月,丹尼尔斯的经纪人吉娜·罗德里格斯英语Gina Rodriguez (pornographic actress)将故事透露给八卦新闻博客“The Dirty”,相关帖文在特朗普律师投诉后下架,丹尼尔斯也质疑贴文真伪[27]

特朗普正式启动总统竞选活动后,罗德里格斯与多家媒体接洽,计划把故事卖出去。当时《华盛顿邮报》已经披露了特朗普与主持人比利·布什英语Billy Bush讨论下流话题的录像,《国家问询报》顺势买下丹尼尔斯的故事。事后考虑到这桩丑闻会影响特朗普的选情,《国家问询报》把故事压了下来。不过《国家问询报》并未向丹尼尔斯支付报酬,而是改由总编迪伦·霍华德英语Dylan Howard安排丹尼尔斯与科恩签订保密协议,当中列明科恩要向丹尼尔斯支付13万美元封口费。随着大选日益临近,科恩迟迟未向丹尼尔斯支付封口费。最终丹尼尔斯的律师基思·戴维森英语Keith Davidson在2016年10月撕毁保密协议,科恩意识到丑闻即将败露,匆匆从房屋净值信贷额度英语home equity line of credit中提款,通过一家在特拉华州空壳公司转钱[27][24]

一开始,特朗普并不知道给丹尼尔斯支付封口费的事情。2018年4月,他在空军一号上告诉记者,他不知道科恩从哪里得到的钱[28]。然而,特朗普另一位律师鲁迪·朱利安尼在接受福克斯新闻专访时否认了特朗普的说法,称特朗普其实对事件知情[29]。特朗普向科恩写了几张支票,总额高达42万美金,一部分用来报销科恩给出的封口费,一部分用给科恩找人操纵网络民意调查结果,以提升自己的声望。其中支付给科恩的部分有36万美金,其中一半用来抵扣税,另外还有6万美金。上述款项于2017年,也就是特朗普就任总统的第一年支出[30]。特朗普对外宣称给科恩的钱是律师费,如果这项行为构成误导,按照纽约州法律会被视为轻罪。检察官考虑过支付给科恩的钱是否合法,因为根据纽约州法律,变造商业记录以掩盖罪行是E级重罪英语Class E felony[31]


2006年至2007年,美国模特、演员凯伦·麦克道格与特朗普艳遇。在特朗普2016年竞选美国总统的时候,麦克道格向《国家问询报》推销他们的情事,《国家问询报》以15万美元买下。双方交易于2016年10月被《华尔街日报》披露[32]。双方的交易之所以促成,是因为特朗普从1990年代开始,就已经结识了《国家问询报》母公司美国媒体公司(American Media, Inc.)的首席执行官大卫·佩克英语David Pecker。而在公司内部,特朗普被称为“佩克的老友”。麦克道格认为这个故事无论如何都会公之于众,因为当时《花花公子》杂志的一位模特在Twitter上提到两人的事情[33]


2018年4月,《纽约客》披露了前特朗普大厦门卫迪诺·萨祖丁(Dino Sajudin)的故事。据萨祖丁透露,特朗普在1980年代与一名前雇员育有一子。萨祖丁于2015年底就相关事件与《国家问询报》的母公司美国媒体公司达成协议,萨祖丁获3万美元报酬,确保《国家问询报》享有故事的独家版权。2015年11月,为了验证故事真伪,《国家问询报》派员监视涉事女子与其女儿的住所,并聘请刑事调查员迈克尔·曼库索(Michael Mancuso)协助。虽然外界怀疑萨祖丁的故事纯属捏造,多名接触《纽约客》的消息人士还是认为American Media支付给萨祖丁的报酬极不寻常。2017年,美联社对事件展开调查。相关报道即将发表的时候,American Media要求压下来。后来《纽约客》要求American Media置评,American Media旗下的Radar Online英语Radar Online旋即发文,声称萨祖丁的事情是假的。《纽约客》未能验证事件真伪[34]



科恩认罪后,曼哈顿地区检察官小赛勒斯·万斯英语Cyrus Vance Jr.对特朗普集团及其两位高管展开调查[38]。后来美国纽约南区检察官英语United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York对特朗普展开另外调查,万斯的调查被迫暂停。据万斯在特朗普被正式起诉后透露,当时纽约南区检察官要求他“放手”,他同意了[39]。2019年7月,纽约南区检察官宣布调查行动结束,但不会起诉特朗普,因为司法部明令禁止起诉在位总统[40]。2019年8月,曼哈顿地区检察官办公室向特朗普集团发出传票,要求上交涉及相关款项的文件[41]。与此同时,办公室又向会计事务所玛泽发出传票,要求提供特朗普过去8年的公司纳税申报表[42]。随后特朗普律师团队起诉万斯,理由是美国总统有免于刑事调查权利,目的是将传票截下来[43]。这起名叫“特朗普诉万斯案”的案件在美国最高法院审理,万斯得到最高法大法官7票支持、2票反对,可以继续发出传票[44]


后来在2021年纽约县地区检察官选举英语2021 New York County District Attorney election中胜选的阿尔文·布拉格接任万斯,出任曼哈顿地区检察官[50]。2022年2月,由阿尔文·布拉格委托调查案件的检察官马克·F·波美兰茨英语Mark F. Pomerantz凯瑞·邓恩英语Carey Dunne宣告自行辞职,并指控阿尔文·布拉格未有积极地对特朗普提出指控[51]。2022年,阿尔文·布拉格始整年在调查案件[52],并将调查重点转至封口费事件[53]。阿尔文·布拉格当初在竞选曼哈顿地区检察官时多次宣称一旦当选就会逮捕并起诉特朗普,因此保守派质疑他不公正[54]

2023年1月,曼哈顿地区检察官办公室组建23人大陪审团英语grand jury[55],持续提交特朗普在封口费事件中起关键作用的证据[56]。在正式起诉特朗普的前两个月,大陪审团不断听取相关证据,一般在每个礼拜一或礼拜三开会听取[55]。2023年3月,检察官透露大陪审团很有可能会提出起诉[57]



3月18日,特朗普在Truth Social表示自己会在3月21日被捕,呼吁支持者“把我们的国家夺回来!”[58]。然而,《时代杂志》表示响应美国暴动事件的特朗普大支持者和右翼团体犹豫不决[63]。3月20日,示威者在纽约青年共和党人俱乐部英语New York Young Republican Club举行示威活动,但现场的记者比示威者还多[64]

3月22日,特朗普在Truth Social发表两幅对比图,一张是戴着棒球帽的特朗普,一张是检察官阿尔文·布拉格[65]。这篇帖文最终被删除,特朗普在采访中表示相关帖文是在分享右翼博客“国家档案英语National File”的文章,而对比图就是这篇文章的内容[66]

3月23日,特朗普在Truth Social表示当局对自己的“虚构指控”可能会造成死亡和破坏,而这对美国来说可能是灾难,只有仇恨美国的“堕落精神病患者”才会指控他[65]




3月30日,曼哈顿大陪审团投票同意起诉特朗普[69]。当天,纽约州最高法院(该法院为负责审判重罪的普通法院,不是处理上诉的终审法院)签发起诉书,相关指控被封存到特朗普到曼哈顿刑事法院接受传讯英语Arraignment[70][12]。根据起诉文件,特朗普涉嫌向史多美·丹尼尔支付封口费,以促进个人选情,相关行为违反了联邦的竞选活动财务法规。在商业文件中,这笔款项是特朗普付给律师迈克尔·科恩英语Michael Cohen (lawyer)的“律师费”,但起诉文件认为这笔钱是用来报销科恩先前支付给丹尼尔的封口费,这笔封口费同样涉嫌违法。根据纽约州法律,伪造商业纪录尚属轻罪,但如果是为了掩盖罪行伪造,就会构成联邦重罪,具体要视乎负责案件的区域检察官的判断[71][72]。而由于起诉书尚未公开就提前泄密,这项行为涉及重罪,为此特朗普要求阿尔文·布拉格辞职[73]


Four NYPD buses parked next to crowd control fences

2023年4月3日,特朗普的私人飞机特朗普版空军一号英语Trump Force One棕榈滩国际机场出发,前往拉瓜地亚机场。下机后特朗普随车队抵达特朗普大厦,在大楼内过夜[74][75]。曾为保罗·马纳福特辩护的律师从律师事务所辞职,全力负责特朗普的案件[76]。特朗普接受传讯前夕,纽约警方在曼哈顿区内部及附近地区增派警力;当局表示未发现暴力事件和抗议活动会发生的迹象[75]。纽约市长艾瑞克·亚当斯要求示威者和平集会[77]。代理纽约最高法院大法官胡安·默坎英语Juan Merchan担任案件主审法官[78]。针对早前媒体机构提出现场直播法庭现场英语Courtroom photography and broadcasting,或是在法庭中使用电子设备的动议,默坎予以驳回,但是同意为摄像记者设立五片媒体区英语press pool[79][80]法庭素描英语Courtroom sketch画家也会记录审讯过程[81]。出于安全考虑,法庭的玻璃门会被遮罩[82]




在特朗普接受传讯的过程中,法庭设置了审前程序的截止日期,当中包括检方向辩方提供审前披露英语Discovery (law)的截止日期[94]。而审前动议提交的截止日期则定在了2023年8月8日[94]。特朗普的代表律师乔·塔科皮纳英语Joe Tacopina透露辩方会提交要求驳回起诉书的动议[95]。特朗普也可以提出消灭时效已到期、所有指控罪名(包括重罪)应该降级为轻罪的理由[94]。检方须在2023年9月19日回应辩方的动议[94]






2024年初,原定于3月初审理的特朗普破坏选举案英语Federal prosecution of Donald Trump (election obstruction case)因特朗普提出上诉而推迟,使得本案如期在2024年3月25日开庭审理的可能性大大增加[104][105],将会是美国历届总统首次接受刑事审判[104]。2月15日,主审法官默坎确认开庭日期,同时驳回了特朗普要求撤销案件的指控;特朗普到场确认[106]

2024年3月11日,特朗普的律师团队以特朗普拥有总统豁免权英语presidential immunity为由,要求将案件推迟到联邦破坏选举案审结后开庭,理由是部分证据与牵涉行为发生在特朗普总统任内[107]。律师团队指出,2018年4月,特朗普否认向记者支付封口费,并且在推特上为科恩的可靠性辩护[108]。3月11日的晚些时候,主审法官默坎指出特朗普团队已经错过了提交审前动议截止日期,表示任何一方都要经过他许可,才能提交额外的审前动议[107]。4月3日,默坎以超过时限为由驳回特朗普律师团队的请求[109]







2024年2月26日,曼哈顿检察官请求对特朗普下达禁言令,称特朗普在特朗普集团商业欺诈的民事诉讼英语New York business fraud lawsuit against the Trump Organization庭审过程中,通过社交媒体贬损法官的书记员,两次违反禁言令,被罚款1.5万美元。检察官方面还表示,仅2023年一年,警方就收到89条对阿尔文·布拉格及其家人、同事的威胁,而2022年只有一起这样的威胁[130]。3月7日,默坎裁定,除了特朗普、特朗普的律师团队及检察官,陪审团将匿名英语Innominate jury参与审理[131]。3月26日,默坎正式对特朗普发出禁言令,限制他在公开场合谈论涉案人士[132]。另外,由于特朗普公开表示辩方的目标是将庭审推迟至2024年总统选举结束后,默坎警告辩方不要采用推延战术,例如迟交审前动议,或是在最后一分钟提出要求,违者将依藐视法庭论处[133][134]。3月26日,特朗普在网上发帖责骂封口令、默坎和默坎的女儿,其中对默坎女儿的批评起源于有人在社交媒体上冒充她发帖反特朗普[135][136][137]。同日,默坎再次发出禁言令,禁止特朗普公开评论,或是促使其他人发表针对法庭职员、检察官,以及预定陪审员及其家人的言论,身为公众人物的阿尔文·布拉格及法官默坎不在保护范围内[138][139]。特朗普还禁止特朗普评论将要出庭作证的证人[140]




2024年4月15日,案件正式审理,预计持续八个星期,至6月结束[150] with recessed Wednesdays.[151]。法院要求特朗普出席每天的庭审,除非获法院批准缺席[152]。此外,特朗普无需出庭作证,如果想作证的,检察官在默坎批准下可询问他有关商业欺诈、性虐待和诽谤的民事诉讼[153]。律师托德·布兰奇(Todd Blanche)和苏珊·内切尔斯(Susan Necheles)在庭审中代表特朗普[154]



遴选过程的前两天,有96名陪审员候选人到场,其中超过一半表示无法做到公正裁决,随即被法庭否掉。第一天有九名陪审员获得临时资格,第二天再有十名陪审员获得资格[147][159][160]。19名获得资格的人中,有7人正式获选并宣誓就任。4月18日,有两人辞任陪审员,其中一人称朋友和家人通过媒体公布的细节认出她[160][161][162]。4月16日,特朗普因与潜在的陪审员交谈英语Jury tampering,被法官默坎训斥[163]

到4月18日,12名陪审员,外加一名候补陪审员正式成立[146]。4月19日,新增六名候补陪审员[164][165],开场陈述定于4月22日进行[166]。选拔候补陪审员期间,一位名叫麦克斯韦·阿扎雷洛(Maxwell Azzarello)的佛罗里达州男子在法庭附近淡水池公园英语Collect Pond Park自焚,事件没有影响庭审日程[167]




庭审第一个星期,检方传唤前《国家问询报》出版人大卫·佩克英语David Pecker到庭作证[168]。2018年迈克尔·科恩接受联邦调查的时候,大卫·佩克获赦免;作为交换条件,佩克需要向检方提供有关封口费协议的情报[169]。据佩克在证词中交代,目前住在澳大利亚的《国家问询报》前编辑迪兰·霍华德(Dylan Howard)患有“脊椎疾病”,无法到庭作证[168][170]。此前有报道指佩克与他的公司美国媒体公司英语American Media Inc.负责向麦克道格支付封口费,美国媒体公司就是《国家问询报》的母公司[171]。而佩克本人拒绝对丹尼尔斯做同样的事情[172][173],即便他提醒过特朗普斯托米要公开他们两人的婚外情[174]。4月23日,佩克作证称科恩科恩不断给他提供特朗普敌人提供的负面情报,佩克的员工对这些情报进行“加工”,之后将初稿发给科恩审阅,在对方同意下发表[175]。庭上,佩克表示自己曾部署过一个“捕杀”(catch and kill)计划,这个方案是他在2015年提出的,目的是压下特朗普的负面新闻,同时记下所有曾向他兜售特朗普绯闻的女性[176]。检方引用了一项与串谋有关的州选举法,为他们盘问佩克与特朗普2016年竞选团队首席执行官斯蒂芬·班农的关系做辩护[177]




特朗普执行助理罗娜·格拉夫英语Rhona Graff作证称,她在特朗普大厦特朗普办公室负责外勤工作的时候,一直和麦克道尔和丹妮丝保持联系[184],她“隐约记得”曾经在特朗普大厦的接待区见过丹妮丝一面[185]。接受辩方盘问期间,格拉夫说特朗普有时签支票的时候会一心多用,这取决于“当时发生什么事情”,以及“支票有多么重要”[186][187]

曾供职于第一信托银行的银行家加里·法罗(Gary Farro)作证。证词显示,2016年10月26日,他帮助科恩开设一个用于某个房地产有限责任公司的银行账户。检方表示,当天,科恩将13.1万美元的房屋净值贷款存入账户,次日将其中13万美元转账给丹妮丝的律师基斯·戴维斯(Keith Davidson)[185][188][189]。法罗协助科恩开设银行账户,让科恩用这个账户支付封口费。法罗交代,科恩一直想跟他联系,继而在2016年10月开设了这个账户。法罗注意到这个账户是为“基本顾问有限公司”(Essential Consultants LLC)开设的,这家公司是封口费的支付方,其资源出自科恩在第一信托银行的房屋净值贷款[189][190]。法罗表示,科恩不想在支票中留下地址[189]。检方递交了科恩的来往电邮,证明支票账户开设的20分钟后,就有一笔13.1万美元的存款流入[190]。在戴维森与科恩的短信来往中,戴维森指导科恩通过电汇方式转出13万封口费。法罗说,丹妮丝收封口费的消息曝光后,银行关闭了科恩的账户[191]

C-SPAN档案执行主任罗伯特·布朗宁(Robert Browning)确认了特朗普与Esquire Deposition Solutions地区董事菲利普·汤普森(Phillip Thompson)C-SPAN录像的真实性。2022年10月,特朗普就E·让·卡罗尔起诉诽谤案录取口供的时候,Esquire Deposition Solutions为特朗普提供法院记录员英语court reporter服务[192][193]。5月20日,检方试图联络布朗宁,看他能否就特朗普与他前保镖基斯·席勒英语Keith Schiller的一张合照再次出庭作证[194][195]


基斯·戴维森英语Keith Davidson曾是斯托米·丹妮丝与凯伦·麦克道尔的代表律师。基斯作证称,唐纳德·特朗普录影门让丹妮丝找到了推销绯闻的机会[196]。他起草了一份价值13万美元的封口费协议,当中他以“佩吉·彼得森”(Peggy Peterson)和“大卫·丹尼森”(David Dennison)作为丹妮丝及特朗普的化名[197]。按照协议,封口费需要在2016年10月14日之前到账。然而封口费没有如期到账,基斯联系了科恩[198],科恩会特朗普正在外出旅游[199]。10月17日,戴维森致函科恩,称协议无效,后续他不再担任丹妮丝的代表律师[200](科恩于10月27日将自己的钱汇给了戴维森[201])。

戴维森还表示,2016年选举之夜,他向迪伦·霍华德发消息,说“我们做了什么”[197][202]。戴维森认为特朗普是封口费商谈的幕后推手[203]。然而,他也承认科恩转账的方式,他也和霍华德以及丹妮丝的经纪人吉娜·罗德里格兹英语Gina Rodriguez (pornographic actress)讨论了封口费协议。霍华德和吉娜没有直接操作封口费交易,而是鼓励戴维森多跟科恩联系。丹妮丝、戴维森和罗德里格兹也称已经收到13万的一部分。另外麦克道尔与美国媒体公司签订15万协议的时候,戴维斯也参与其中[191]


5月2日,检方传唤地方检察官办公室的计算机取证专家道格拉斯·道斯(Douglas Daus),就检查科恩手机的情况作证。检方向法庭出示的部分证物中,有一些是道斯发现的[209]



5月3日,前白宫通讯联络主任英语White House communications director霍普·希克斯作证。她表示,《华尔街日报》的一位记者要她评论特朗普与麦克道尔的绯闻,她是这个时候才知道美国媒体公司付钱买下并毙掉这个报道[210]。针对《华尔街日报》的说法,霍普起草了一份声明,科恩提供了反馈,但被特朗普推掉,特朗普跟霍普说麦克道尔的指控“纯属虚构”[211][212] which is how she was quoted by the Journal just days before the election.[213][171]。也是在这个时候,霍普才知道《华尔街日报》准备详细报道丹妮丝的指控,特朗普指示霍普否认任何传闻[214]。霍普说特朗普想尽办法向妻子梅拉尼娅隐瞒两起丑闻的报道[215][214],2018年初丹妮丝封口费事件东窗事发后,特朗普告诉妻子,科恩自愿付钱给丹妮丝,以此来保护他。霍普认为,说科恩自愿掏钱给丹妮丝,这跟他的性格完全不符[214]。特朗普问过霍普对丹妮丝的报道被舆论放大来看的看法,尤其是如果科恩没在选前给丹妮丝支付封口费,这个丑闻会有怎样的负面影响[212][216]。霍普曾听过特朗普多次称赞佩克在2016年大选期间对他在共和党党内的政敌进行负面报道[214]



特朗普集团财务总管杰弗里·麦康尼(Jeffrey McConney)就科恩获得报销作证[220]。2017年初,魏斯伯格指引麦康尼给科恩报销[220][221][19],麦康尼指示公司薪资专员兼应付账款主管黛博拉·塔拉索夫(Deborah Tarasoff)在商业记录中将科恩的报销金写成“律师费”。麦康尼和黛博拉交代,这些钱在科恩与特朗普的律师聘用函英语retainer agreement中有写明[220]。2017年3月,科恩的报销支票从特朗普的私人银行账户发出[220]。2017年,科恩在曼哈顿中城翰宇国际律师事务所英语Squire Patton Boggs办公室开设门店,之后就不再为特朗普工作,但仍称自己是特朗普的私人律师[220]。庭上展示了科恩的大量发票信息以及麦康尼、塔拉索夫和魏斯伯格之间的电子邮件[220]。另外还有几分经过审查的特朗普及其信托相关的几份总账文件,当中显示特朗普向科恩支付了报销款项[220]


企鹅出版集团高管萨莉·富兰克林(Sally Franklin)作证,她的公司曾出版过几本关于特朗普的著作。萨莉在庭上朗读了《特朗普:如何致富英语Trump: How to Get Rich》和《特朗普:像亿万富翁一样思考英语Trump: Think Like a Billionaire》的段落,当中特朗普表示,“如果你对正在做的时候无从入手,用回形针夹起来,你就会收到一些意想不到的惊喜”“这些年来,我一直在说,如果有人在骂你,骂回去就对了[224]。”

Stormy Daniels[编辑]

Hush money recipient Stormy Daniels, pictured in 2015, testified over parts of two days

Stormy Daniels testified for five hours on May 7,[225] and for the earlier part of May 9.[226] She said she met Trump at a celebrity golf tournament near Lake Tahoe, Nevada英语American Century Championship, in 2006 and detailed a sexual encounter with Trump in his hotel suite after he invited her to dinner.[225][227] Daniels stated that Trump did not use a condom and that during the encounter, "I was staring up at the ceiling, wondering how I got there," despite not having used drugs or alcohol.[225] She said she felt like she blacked out英语Blackout (drug-related amnesia) during the encounter and was traumatized by the experience.[228][227] It was the only time they reputedly had sex.[229] Daniels said Trump offered to make her a contestant on The Apprentice英语The Apprentice; she stated that he continued alluding to the idea for a time in subsequent phone conversations, in which he referred to her as "honey bunch" and asked when they could meet again.[224][227] Daniels noted that she met with Trump on multiple occasions, with dozens of witnesses,[227] including a visit to Trump Tower and a final encounter with Trump in Los Angeles in 2007.[227]

In accepting the hush money, Daniels stated that she was not motivated by money (although this appeared to be contradicted by a text message between her and her manager Gina Rodriguez which suggested she was willing to accept the payment).[227] She stated that she had no part in the hush-money negotiations.[227] Daniels also laid out key information about the payment.[227] She maintained her previous allegation that someone threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot, stating that she did not report it because it would have been upsetting to Trump.[227] Daniels stated that any violation of the hush-money agreement would have cost her a million dollars.[227]

During Daniels' testimony, Merchan sustained many defense objections.[227] He repeatedly admonished Daniels for giving answers that went beyond the scope of the question asked, and at one point interrupting Daniels' testimony, stopping her from describing the sexual position she and Trump used.[225][227] Merchan criticized the "degree of detail" on matters such as the floor size of the hotel suite.[224] In a sidebar英语Sidebar (law) conference, Merchan agreed with defense arguments that Daniels described things which were "better left unsaid" regarding the sexual encounter, but denied the defense's request for a mistrial, noting that the defense would have the opportunity to cross-examine Daniels.[225][227] Merchan set confines for Daniels' later testimony and directed the prosecution to encourage her to give shorter answers.[227] Afterward, Daniels gave shorter answers and hewed closer to the question asked.[225]

When testimony resumed, Daniels stated that her lawyer Keith Davidson received the $130,000 hush-money payment, and that she got $96,000 of it. She also acknowledged that she signed a statement dated January 10, 2018, in which she denied the affair, but testified that she did not want to sign it and that it was untrue.[227]

In its cross-examination, the defense questioned Daniels about her account of being traumatized by her encounter with Trump, suggesting that her pornographic career would have made the event unsurprising. Daniels explained that the first time she realized the meeting was intended to be sexual was upon coming out of the bathroom inside Trump's hotel, finding him stripped to his boxers; she elaborated that she was "not expecting [this from] a man twice [her] age".[228] Daniels acknowledged that she had contacted renowned high-profile sexual harassment attorney Gloria Allred英语Gloria Allred about potentially suing Trump for the encounter. Much of the cross-examination focused on questioning the accuracy of her allegation that she was threatened in a Las Vegas parking lot, which was revealed to have been disputed by Davidson via texts with Cohen. Despite accepting the hush money, Daniels maintained that her primary goal was to "get the story out".[227]

On May 9, Daniels concluded her testimony after hours of cross-examination.[226] Trump attorney Susan Necheles pressed Daniels on how she profited from her story and brought up minor inconsistencies in how she has told it.[226] Merchan again denied a defense motion for a mistrial.[230]

Manochio, Menzies, and Westerhout[编辑]

Former director of Oval Office Operations英语Oval Office Operations Madeleine Westerhout英语Madeleine Westerhout, pictured in 2019, testified over parts of two days

On May 9, Rebecca Manochio, a junior bookkeeper at the Trump Organization, testified for about a half-hour. She had provided evidence to the prosecution.[231][232] Tracy Menzies, a senior vice president at HarperCollins, then testified about the accuracy of certain excerpts from the book Think Big: Make It Happen in Business and Life英语Think Big and Kick Ass, which Trump had co-authored.[233]

Trump's director of Oval Office Operations英语Oval Office Operations in 2019 and former Secretary to the President英语Secretary to the President of the United States between 2017 and 2019, Madeleine Westerhout英语Madeleine Westerhout, also began testifying the same day.[226][230] She stated that Republican National Committee officials she was working with in 2016 discussed how to replace Trump as the Republican presidential nominee due to concern about the damaging Access Hollywood tape.[234] She also noted how she set up a meeting between Cohen and Trump in February 2017, and how the meeting led to Trump Organization employees sending reimbursement checks to the White House—which Trump would then sign and send to Cohen—through a circuitous mail system.[235] She was in tears when discussing how Trump fired her, reportedly in response to her telling reporters that she had a better relationship with him than his daughters.[236]

Westerhout resumed testifying on May 10.[235] During cross-examination, Westerhout appeared to side with defense arguments that Trump used alternatives to the White House mail system because he wanted to get mail to people more quickly.[235]

Dixon, Tomalin, Longstreet, and Jarmel-Schneider[编辑]

For the latter part of May 10, four other witnesses testified.[237] Among these witnesses were Jennie Tomalin (a Verizon senior analyst), Daniel Dixon (an AT&T compliance analyst), and Jaden Jarmel-Schneider (a paralegal from the Manhattan DA's office).[235] In successive testimonies, Dixon and Tomalin would authenticate cell phone records which were used as trial evidence.[235] Georgia Longstreet, another paralegal from the Manhattan DA's office, again testified after previously doing so days prior.[235] Longstreet also showed some of Trump's old tweets, as well as texts between Gina Rodriguez and Dylan Howard.[235] Jarmel-Schneider then showed a chart which summarized 34 business records which prosecutors say were falsified.[235]

Michael Cohen[编辑]

Michael Cohen英语Michael Cohen (lawyer), pictured in 2019, testified over four days.

On May 13, Michael Cohen, Trump's former "fixer英语Fixer (person)" and attorney (who is considered the case's star witness), began testifying.[238] He would give 17 hours of testimony over four days.[239]

On May 13, Cohen acknowledged that he, Trump and David Pecker conspired to suppress negative stories and promote positive stories about Trump during the 2016 election.[238] He said his work in this matter "was at the direction of and benefit of Mr. Trump", stating that "Everything required Mr. Trump's sign-off."[240] By email (shown as evidence), Cohen informed the National Enquirer that Trump did not want them to report his affair with a "Penthouse Pet".[238] Cohen specified his role in the Enquirer's first catch-and-kill story for Trump, about a Trump Tower doorman who alleged that Trump had fathered a child out of wedlock.[238] Cohen detailed his role in the hush-money payment to McDougal, stating that he monitored progress by text, phone and the Signal app.[238] He repeated that he communicated by "phone, email and text" with McDougal, Daniels and Keith Davidson.[238][241] By text message, Cohen told Dylan Howard that he was making the payments on Trump's behalf.[238] He further noted that after Pecker refused to pay for the Daniels story, he took over as funder of "catch-and-kill operations".[238]

Cohen acknowledged Hicks's testimony about the conversation over the McDougal payment press coverage.[238] According to Cohen, he and everybody at the organization had contact with Weisselberg.[238] He further accused Weisselberg of providing him with the financial advice concerning the payment to McDougal, stating that it foreshadowed the way he arranged for the Daniels payment.[238] Cohen said he first spoke to Trump about the Daniels allegation in 2011 after it was leaked to The Dirty, and that Trump called her "a beautiful woman" (having said the same about McDougal) and said they had met in 2006 at a golf outing and that she had liked him more than football star "Big Ben". Cohen said Trump did not respond when he asked if he had had sex with her and that Trump took him up on his offer to get the story taken down.[241]

Cohen said the release of the Access Hollywood tape was viewed as a campaign liability and that Trump afterwards directed him to pay Daniels to avoid "catastrophic" damage.[238][241] Cohen said that he viewed supermarket tabloids like the National Enquirer to be influential in reaching voters[238] and that Trump was concerned about the effect Daniels' story could have had on female voters.[238] Cohen stated that Trump told him: "Just pay it. There's no reason to keep this thing out there. Just do it."[242] Cohen testified that Weisselberg told him to not make the payment through the Trump Organization and instead to come up with a more creative way to do it.[238] Cohen said that he and Weisselberg discussed processing the $130,000 through one of Trump's golf courses as if it were a membership or event fee but they decided against it. When Weisselberg said he lacked the personal finances, Cohen agreed to pay it.[242] Cohen said he suggested the idea of including a clause in the nondisclosure agreement penalizing Daniels $1,000,000 every time she told her story.[238] After Trump's 2016 election victory, Weisselberg and Cohen discussed the reimbursement plan in Trump's 26th-floor office, and Weisselberg coordinated the repayments to Cohen.[238] A bank statement for Essential Consultants LLC from the end of October 2016 was presented, which showed the $130,000 sent to Keith Davidson and featured a note Cohen said was handwritten by Weisselberg. It showed the doubling of the $180,000 reimbursement—$130,000 for Daniels plus $50,000 for money Trump owed Cohen for paying tech company Red Finch (to poll for the Trump campaign and promote Cohen on Twitter as something of a sex symbol)—so that Cohen would receive the full amount after paying 50% in taxes, plus a $60,000 year-end bonus, totaling $420,000. Cohen said it occurred to him that Weisselberg and Trump had planned this reimbursement scheme in advance and that Weisselberg had said in Trump's presence that the monthly payments would function in the guise of a retainer agreement.[243][220]

Cohen testified that he aspired to be a personal lawyer to the president but that Trump, instead of granting him this role, significantly cut his 2016 bonus. Cohen said his relationship with Trump was falling apart at this time. He said his work for Trump boosted his personal career, including by securing more prominent clients.[238]

On May 14, Cohen said he sent the Trump Organization false invoices requesting money for "services rendered". He said that, in February 2017, he confronted Trump in the Oval Office over his lack of repayment.[244] He said he lied about Daniels to protect Trump (while also "staying on Trump's message" by lying about the Trump Tower Moscow英语Trump Tower Moscow project).[245] Cohen testified that, in January 2018, he pressured Davidson to have Daniels sign a false statement denying the affair and payment, which Daniels signed on January 30, and also offered her an appearance on Fox News with Sean Hannity.[246][247] Cohen testified that Daniels also wanted an appearance on Fox News' Hannity英语Hannity, which she did not go through with.[248][247] Cohen also testified that he decided to stop lying for Trump following a meeting he had with his family shortly before his 2018 guilty plea.[248] Before the day concluded, Cohen began defense cross-examination.[248] On May 16, a Trump lawyer accused Cohen of lying that on October 26, 2016, he was on the phone with Trump's personal bodyguard, Keith Schiller英语Keith Schiller, and had him hand the phone to Trump, who then approved the hush-money deal. The defense cited phone records as showing that a series of prank call英语prank calls to Cohen had prompted him to contact Schiller for a call lasting one minute and 36 seconds, which Cohen defended as enough time to handle both matters.[249]

On May 20, during cross-examination, Cohen confirmed that around October 26, 2016, he helped Tiffany Trump regarding an extortion issue she faced. He said he was also working with David Pecker that month.[250] Cohen made two brief calls to Donald Trump on the morning of October 26,[251] which he said were about Daniels.[252] On January 27, 2017, Cohen told the Trump Organization he would no longer be working at Trump Tower because he was now Trump's "personal attorney".[253] On January 31, 2017, Weisselberg emailed Cohen with the subject: "Note and mortgage modification agreement for Trump Park Avenue英语Trump Park Avenue Condominium." Weisselberg asked Cohen to "prepare the agreement discussed" so Weisselberg could start sending monthly payments.[254] Cohen said that Donald Jr. and Eric Trump signed the checks "because they were the trustees".[255] In 2017, he received nine checks for $35,000 directly from Trump, plus two checks from the trust.[256] Cohen confirmed that he lied to Weisselberg about how much he had paid Red Finch, and that his false reimbursement request amounted to theft from the organization.[257][258][259][260] He said he lied in 2018 when he said that Trump had been unaware of the Daniels payment.[261] He said he had no income between his 2018 guilty plea[262] and the publication of his 2020 memoir英语Disloyal: A Memoir,[263] but that since then he had earned $4.4 million from podcasts and books.[264] Asked whether he has a "financial interest in the outcome of this case", Cohen said he expected to make more money if Trump was found not guilty, since "it gives me more to talk about".[265][266] He acknowledged that his name recognition comes from his frequent criticism of Trump and that he was even interested in running for Congress.[259]

Defense cross-examination of Cohen concluded on May 20. Cohen testified that the retainer agreement Weisselberg proposed he maintain with Trump to conceal the monthly reimbursements was fraudulent in nature.[267][243]

The defense pointed to occasions when Cohen did legal work, and said this was evidence that he was retained as a lawyer under a valid retainer agreement, as Cohen would not do legal work for free, nor would Trump pay in excess of reimbursements. Additionally, the defense pointed out that CFO Weisselberg requested from Cohen an agreement without suggesting it would be a fake agreement: “please prepare the agreement we discussed so we can pay you monthly."[268][269][270]

The prosecution then conducted redirect examination英语redirect examination. The prosecution rested its case the same day.[271][272][273]


The defense began its case on May 20, 2024, and rested its case on May 21 after calling two witnesses.[239][274] Trump did not testify.[275][注 1] On May 22, he stated that he did not testify because (1) he disagreed with Merchan's past rulings, (2) he was concerned about being questioned about his own past, and (3) there was "no case".[276][283][注 2]

The defense team had initially planned to call Bradley Smith英语Bradley Smith (law professor), a former chairman of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), as an expert witness on campaign finance law.[285] Smith had argued that the payments to Daniels were not campaign payments and not illegal.[286][287] However, on May 20, Judge Merchan ruled that Smith's testimony would be limited to "general definitions and terms" so as to not supplant the judge's role to determine what the law is.[288][289][注 3] As a result, the defense decided not to call Smith as a witness.[291][292] Trump then falsely stated that Merchan had not allowed Smith to be called,[293] and Smith wrote that the "judge's bias is very evident."[294]

Daniel Sitko[编辑]

On May 20, Daniel Sitko, a paralegal for Todd Blanche, provided testimony.[295] A chart of phone calls between Cohen and Robert Costello, the lawyer that Giuliani suggested Cohen hire in 2018, was submitted into evidence.[296]

Robert Costello[编辑]

On May 20, Robert Costello also testified.[297] Merchan admonished the witness for making comments on the stand objecting to rulings, staring at the judge, and rolling his eyes.[298]

On May 21, Costello was cross-examined by the prosecution.[299] Emails from Costello to his law partner Jeff Citron and Cohen were shown. In a May 2018 email to Citron, Costello said it was a goal to get Cohen "on the right page without giving him the appearance that we are following instructions from Giuliani or the president" and said he believed it was "the clear and correct strategy".[299][300] When asked if "the email speaks for itself" as he had asserted the day before, Costello said "Sometimes." He also wrote to Citron about Cohen, "What should I say to this asshole? He is playing with the most powerful man on the planet." (Cohen testified that Costello and Trump's campaign had attempted to pressure him to realign to their interests.)[299] In an email to Cohen, Costello wrote: "You are making a very big mistake if you believe the stories these 'journalists' are writing about you. They want you to cave. They want you to fail. They do not want you to persevere and succeed. If you really believe you are not being supported properly by your former boss, then you should make your opinion known."[299] The defense rested its case thereafter.[299]


Later on May 21, arguments over jury instruction language were held.[299] Merchan announced that the jury would be excused until the beginning of summation英语Closing arguments on May 28.[299][275] Merchan stated that the closing arguments "will not be quick" and that he expected his final instructions to the jury to last an hour.[299] On Memorial Day, May 27, Trump complained that the prosecution would get the last word as "very unfair", though this is standard procedure in criminal trials where the state has the burden of proof.[301][注 4]

On May 28, the defense gave a three-hour closing argument.[305] Trump lawyer Todd Blanche claimed Trump had nothing to do with checks which were written by Trump's sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.[306] Blanche questioned why prosecutors did not call Donald Jr. and Eric as witnesses despite their signing payment checks to Cohen.[306] Blanche also showed an email revealing that McConnery sought approval from both Donald Jr. and Eric.[306] Blanche alleged that it was Cohen's decision to make the hush-money payment and variously branded him a prolific liar.[306] Blanche sought to discredit Daniels' ambitions, noting (among other things) text messages between her manager and publicist Gina Rodriguez and Dylan Howard which showed that Howard believed Pecker would pay for her story shortly after the Access Hollywood tape was released.[306] Merchan admonished Blanche for telling the jury: "You cannot send someone to prison, you cannot convict somebody, based upon the words of Michael Cohen." Merchan said this type of comment is "highly inappropriate" and "not allowed"[307] because the jury is not supposed to consider the sentence.[308][309]

The same day, prosecution gave a four-hour and 41 minute closing argument.[306] Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass described Pecker's testimony as "utterly damning".[306] Steinglass noted that some key parts of Daniels' story were proven true[306] and noted that the defense appeared to acknowledge that Trump knew about the Daniels payment as early as 2017.[306] Steinglass stated that it made sense that Cohen was interested in the outcome of the case, noting that Trump dropped him "like a hot potato" when their relationship soured.[310] Steinglass argued that Cohen was Trump's "fixer" and that his knowledge was "limited to what actually happened".[306] It was noted that Cohen did not work for the Trump Organization's legal department and answered directly to Trump.[306] A footnote from the 2018 Office of Government Ethics英语Office of Government Ethics form was shown, which stated that "In 2016 expenses were incurred by one of Donald J. Trump's attorneys, Michael Cohen. Mr. Cohen sought reimbursement of those expenses and Mr. Trump fully reimbursed Mr. Cohen in 2017."[306] Steinglass went over phone conversations between Trump and Cohen regarding the hush-money payment and showed a December 2017 check to Cohen signed via Sharpie by Donald Trump,[306] arguing that the latter must have known the purpose of such checks, as his "entire business philosophy was and is to be involved in everything".[311] Steinglass cited a 2018 tweet by Trump in which he acknowledged that Cohen was reimbursed for an NDA via a retainer agreement, but said it had "nothing to do with the campaign".[311] Steinglass said the defense's characterization of the payments to Cohen was undermined by his lack of pay from Trump in 2018 despite Cohen doing legal work for him that year.[311] Steinglass further stated that the payment was made to "hoodwink the American voter".[306][312]

At the end of closing arguments, Merchan stated that jury instructions would be read on May 29 and were expected to last an hour.[306]


On May 28, though it is unclear what sentence Trump would receive if convicted, CBS reported that officials in state and federal agencies had begun preparing for possible incarceration.[313][314][315]

On May 29, the jury began deliberations.[316] A few hours in, they asked to hear a readback of about 30 minutes of testimony by Pecker and Cohen. This involved an August 2015 meeting between these two, Trump, and Hicks, in which Pecker pledged to be Trump's "eyes and ears" regarding negative stories about him; additionally, the jury wanted to hear Pecker's testimony regarding an alleged phone call from Trump in which the two discussed a rumor that McDougal had gone to another outlet to publish her story.[317][318][319] The readback is expected to be held when court convenes on May 30.[320]



特朗普支持者于4月4日在法院对面的活水湖英语Collect Pond集会







美国众议院司法委员会主席吉姆·乔丹监督委员会英语House Oversight Committee主席詹姆斯·卡莫行政委员会英语House Administration Committee主席布莱恩·斯泰尔分别向阿尔文·布拉格发函,直言起诉书是“前所未有的滥用检察权”,要求阿尔文·布拉格在分别在三个委员会面前作证,并提交和调查相关的通讯记录、文件和证言。三人随后向阿尔文·布拉格表示会考虑立法以保护前任/现任总统免受联邦或地方官员政治迫害。针对三人的请求,阿尔文·布拉格办公室斥责他们“非法侵犯纽约主权”,指出有关正在调查案件的情报须按照联邦法律保密[334][335]。据《纽约时报》和CNN报道,2023年2月,吉姆·乔丹向特朗普的律师乔·塔科皮纳(Joe Tacopina)发出私人请求,要求调查阿尔文·布拉格对特朗普采取的行动[336][337]。据CNN在3月28日报道,众议院共和党会议主席埃莉斯·斯蒂芬尼克曾向特朗普简报众议院共和党委员会的工作,包括委员会回应阿尔文·布拉格的计划[337]。众议院监督委员会委员玛乔丽·泰勒·格林承认向特朗普通报“我们所做的所有事情”,又指特朗普“看起来很了如指掌……有时候我对他知道这么多东西感到震惊”[337]。此外吉姆·乔丹也对在阿尔文·布拉格之前负责起诉特朗普的前检察官马克·F·波美兰茨英语Mark F. Pomerantz发出传票,要求他在4月19日参加国会听证会[338]

特朗普的政敌也对起诉行为表示反对,其中宣布竞逐共和党总统候选人提名的企业家维韦克·拉马斯瓦米和前南卡罗来纳州州长妮基·黑利表态反对[339]。另一方面,有意参选总统的前阿肯色州州长阿萨·贺勤森对司法行动表示支持,但也认为选民有权选或不选特朗普当总统。他认为特朗普应该撤回总统提名,认为起诉行为是“分散视线”[340]。前副总统迈克·彭斯称起诉行为是暴行和“政治迫害”[341]佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯表示佛州没有协助将特朗普引渡到纽约州的法律[342][注 5]。向来反对特朗普的共和党参议员罗姆尼表示,特朗普的性格及言行都不适合出任公职,但阿尔文·布拉格把刑事重罪罪名加到特朗普身上太牵强,有政治动机。罗姆尼认为,阿尔文·布拉格这次“想把政敌入罪,恐立下危险先例,也损伤民众对司法体制的信任”[344]


民主党众议员亚当·希夫在推特发文表示:“起诉前总统是前所未见的,但是特朗普的确参与了许多非法行为[345]。”在第一次唐纳德·特朗普弹劾案中,希夫担任弹劾推动人英语impeachment manager#United States[346]。拜登政府表示不会公开讨论事件。民主党人认为起诉行为是在追究特朗普的法律责任[347][348]。共和党众议员玛乔丽·泰勒·格林在纽约出席亲特朗普集会时,被民主党众议员贾马尔·鲍曼英语Jamaal Bowman大喊“滚出这里!”[349]


福克斯纽约第五台英语Fox 5 New York记者琳达·施密特(Linda Schmidt)在曼哈顿刑事法院前作现场报道


现任或前任福克斯新闻频道主持人肖恩·汉尼提格林·贝克塔克·卡森对起诉行动感到愤怒和担忧。特朗普被正式起诉前,几位主持人在主权投票系统诉福克斯新闻频道英语Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox News中谴责特朗普的短信被公开[352]。《卫报》的大卫·史密斯(David Smith)认为特朗普一直擅长扮演受害者,以此扭转相关指控,这种策略经常是和支持者群体配合[353]

英国的《金融时报爱德华·卢斯英语Edward Luce对起诉行动在对特别法律顾问史密斯的调查英语Smith special counsel investigation结束前启动表示失望,认为起诉行动是既不严肃,也不是“凭直觉一眼看出”的法律技术,就和指控特朗普煽动叛乱、密谋推翻2020年美国总统选举结果差不多[354]。法学教授理查德·黑斯英语Richard L. Hasen认为从法律和事实层面看,目前对特朗普的联邦调查比对史密斯的调查更强硬[178]

虽然起诉书已经公开,但负责案件的地区检察官的“具体法律理由”没有公布,既没有说明“每项罪名是如何升级为重罪的”,也没有“具体说明潜在的罪行”。虽然法律没有要求明确说明,律师肯·怀特英语Popehat和法学教授理查德·克莱因(Richard Klein)认为这样做很难评估案件背后的法律价值[178][355]

纽约霍夫斯特拉大学法学教授雅罗·谢夫斯基(Ellen Yaroshefsky)说,检察官要证明虚假商业纪录是蓄意用来影响选举恐怕会遭遇困难。加州大学洛杉矶分校法学教授理查·哈森英语Richard L. Hasen在网上杂志Slate写道,检察官必须证明特朗普很清楚自己这笔款项有违竞选财务法,而证明一个人的意图向来很棘手。[356]

华盛顿邮报》专栏作家、哈佛法学院博士露丝·马尔科斯英语Ruth Marcus (journalist)认为起诉书“令人焦虑地未阐释清楚,而且它所根据的理论,说好听点是可争辩的,说难听点是令人不安地薄弱”,露丝形容这场起诉就像是在高空绳索上的一个危险跳跃。[357]


美国联邦调查局代理局长英语Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation安德鲁·麦卡比告诉CNN,起诉书“让人失望”。他表示,这起扎扎实实的轻罪案是因“蓄意隐瞒另一起罪行”才导致加重成为重罪案,检方却未提供“法律论述”来说明要隐瞒的罪行到底是什么。“如果我们的法律朋友看到这份起诉书,却看不到重罪的理由,就很难说服陪审团会做出犯下重罪的结论。”[356]

英国《金融时报》的约书亚·查芬(Joshua Chaffin)称持怀疑态度的人士将特朗普的案件与总统候选人约翰·爱德华兹婚外情丑闻英语John Edwards extramarital affair联系起来,因为爱德华兹也曾说自己支付封口费不是为了自己的选情,而是为了保护病入膏肓的妻子,所以两者性质相同[72]



特朗普被起诉后,啤令猫创办人艾略特·希金斯英语Eliot Higgins利用AI图像引擎Midjourney画了一幅特朗普被捕的图片,被社交媒体用户当成真图广传[358]

起诉书下达后,匿名者QTelegram账号开始发出“当局早有预谋”、“一场风暴向我们袭来”的帖文,认为这是“深层政府”的阴谋[180]。也有阴谋论认为阿尔文·布拉格是大富翁乔治·索罗斯雇来的,这种说法得到特朗普本人、罗恩·德桑蒂斯、参议员J·D·万斯罗恩·约翰逊、得州州长格雷格·阿博特、众议院安娜·保利娜·卢纳保罗·戈萨尔转发,其中戈萨尔称阿尔文·布拉格是“索罗斯的区域检察官”[359]。需要指出的是,索罗斯的确向进步主义刑事司法改革英语criminal justice reform组织变革之色英语Color of Change捐款,变革之色也的确为阿尔文·布拉格的竞选活动献金;但索罗斯并未接触过阿尔文·布拉格,也是唯一一个献金的人[360][361]。有特朗普支持者向索罗斯和变革之色发出威胁,特朗普旗下的Truth Social有人提出武装保护海湖庄园,但未见实质行动[180]



另外在4月25日[363],一位匿名陪审团成员[364]将听取纽约州对E·让·卡罗尔对唐纳德·特朗普的诉讼英语E. Jean Carroll litigation against Donald Trump的庭审。


  1. ^ On April 12, 2024, Trump stated that he would "absolutely" testify.[276] On April 26, Trump stated he would testify "if it's necessary."[277] On May 2, Trump falsely claimed that the gag order prevented him from testifying.[276] Merchan clarified the next morning that Trump had a constitutional right to testify,[278] later asking Blanche on May 14 and May 16 whether Trump would do so.[279][280] On May 20, during a lunch recess, Blanche stated "there is a likelihood that we will rest today" indicating that Trump would likely not testify.[277] On May 21, at a press conference following closing arguments, Trump declined to discuss his decision not to testify.[281] In criminal trials, intentionally delaying the revelation of a defendant's decision to testify until the latest possible juncture is a common strategic legal maneuver as maintaining such tactical ambiguity may influence the direction of the trial.[282] Criminal defendants often do not testify in their own defense due to the increased legal risks.[282]
  2. ^ Trump has previously declined to testify in matters that could pose legal or political risks.[284] In criminal trials, defendants are not obligated to testify, juries are instructed not to draw any inferences from a defendant's decision not to testify, and prosecutors cannot comment on a defendant's decision not to testify.[284]
  3. ^ Merchan ruled that Bradley Smith may give testimony on the "general background as to what the Federal Campaign Commission is, background as to who makes up the FEC, what the FEC’s function is, what laws, if any, the FEC is responsible for enforcing, and general definitions and terms that relate directly to this case".[290] Smith was prohibited from mentioning "there had never been a case in which anyone had been convicted of a federal campaign finance law violation for the making of ‘hush money payments'" and from discussing "that the FEC dismissed the complaint against defendant and the DOJ decided against prosecuting defendant for potential FECA violations" due to irrelevance.[290] In February 2024, prosecutors pointed out that Smith had previously been barred from testifying for the defense in two unrelated federal cases in Manhattan where the defense had improperly sought to have Smith interpret campaign finance law for the jury: United States v. Bankman-Fried英语United States v. Bankman-Fried and United States v. Suarez.[289]
  4. ^ On Memorial Day, May 28, 2024, Trump questioned the order of closing arguments via Truth Social writing, "Why Is The Corrupt Government Allowed To Make The Final Argument In The Case Against Me? Why Can't The Defense Go Last? Big Advantage, Very Unfair. Witch Hunt!".[302] Following the closing arguments, Trump again complained writing "CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT I, AS A DEFENDANT, AM NOT ALLOWED TO REBUT OR CORRECT THE MANY LIES TOLD DURUNG THE 5 HOUR FILIBUSTER JUST PUT ON BY THE SOROS BACKED D.A.’s OFFICE IN THE MANHATTAN COURT."[303] In criminal trials, the order of presentation for closing arguments is reversed from that of opening statements, allowing the defense to present their closing summations first, followed by the prosecution.[304] The prosecution typically get an opportunity to deliver a rebuttal during closings because burden of proof lies with them, not the defense.[304]
  5. ^ 据美国最高法在波多黎各诉布兰斯塔德案英语Puerto Rico v. Branstad(1987年)中的裁决,根据美国宪法第四条,州长不可以拒绝其他州的引渡请求,联邦法庭可以在有需要的时候进行引渡。[343]


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  159. ^ No Jurors Picked on First Day of Trump's Manhattan Criminal Trial. New York Times. 2024-04-15 [2024-04-15]. 
  160. ^ 160.0 160.1 Feuerherd, Ben. 7 jurors sworn in for Donald Trump's hush money trial. Politico. 2024-04-16 [2024-04-16]. 
  161. ^ Breuninger, Kevin. Trump trial gets seven jurors seated in New York. CNBC. 2024-04-16 [2024-04-16] (英语). 
  162. ^ Queen, Jack; Cohen, Luc. Trump's hush money criminal trial loses two jurors, five remain. Reuters. 2024-04-18 [2024-04-18]. 
  163. ^ Rashid, Hafiz. Trump’s Big Mouth Just Got Him in Trouble in Hush-Money Trial. The New Republic. 2024-04-16 [2024-04-17]. ISSN 0028-6583. 
  164. ^ Reiss, Adam; Rubin, Lisa; Gregorian, Dareh. Jury selection in Trump's hush money trial is complete during tense day in court. NBC NEws. 2024-04-19 [2024-04-19]. 
  165. ^ Jury selection for alternates will continue tomorrow. CNN. 2024-04-18 [2024-04-18] (英语). 
  166. ^ McKinley, Jesse. Trump on Trial: 'We Have Our Jury'. The New York Times. 2024-04-18 [2024-04-18]. 
  167. ^ Al Baker, a spokesman for the court system, says the trial schedule would not be affected by the man setting himself on fire.. The New York Times. 
  168. ^ 168.0 168.1 Trump trial: Highlights from opening statements and first witness testimony. Associated Press. 2024-04-22 [2024-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-22). 
  169. ^ Stracqualursi, Veronica; Orden, Erica; Scannell, Kara. WSJ: National Enquirer publisher David Pecker granted immunity. CNN. 2018-08-23 [2024-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-02) (英语). 
  170. ^ Herb, Jeremy; del Valle, Lauren; Scannell, Kara. Trump criminal trial wraps for the day after opening statements and first witness. CNN. 2024-04-22 [2024-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-22). 
  171. ^ 171.0 171.1 Palazzolo, Joe; Rothfeld, Michael; Alpert, Lukas I. National Enquirer Shielded Donald Trump From Playboy Model's Affair Allegation (PDF). The Wall Street Journal. 2016-11-04 [2024-04-26] –通过pdfs.nycourts.gov. [永久失效链接]
  172. ^ Ellison, Sarah; Farhi, Paul. Publisher of the National Enquirer admits to hush-money payments made on Trump's behalf. The Washington Post. 2024-04-22 [2024-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-03). 
  173. ^ Palazzolo, Joe; Hong, Nicole; Rothfeld, Michael; O'Brien, Rebecca Davis. Donald Trump Played Central Role in Hush Payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. The Wall Street Journal. 2018-11-09 [2023-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-21). 
  174. ^ Former National Enquirer boss breaks his silence on 'catch and kill' as lead witness in Trump trial. CNN. 2024-04-23 [2024-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-23). 
  175. ^ Boboltz, Sara. 'An Agreement Among Friends'. HuffPost. 2024-04-22 [2024-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-23) (英语). 
  176. ^ Ex-publisher details 'catch and kill' at Trump's hush money trial. Washington Post. 2025-04-23 [2024-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-23). 
  177. ^ Rubin, Jordan. The line of questioning for David Pecker sheds light on Bragg's theory of Trump case. MSNBC.com. 2024-04-23 [2024-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-24) (英语). 
  178. ^ 178.0 178.1 178.2 178.3 178.4 Day 7 of Trump New York hush money trial. CNN. 2024-04-25 [2024-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-25) (英语).  引用错误:带有name属性“:16”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  179. ^ Ex-National Enquirer publisher testifies about adult-film actress, others at Trump's hush money trial. The Washington Post. 2024-04-25 [2024-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-26) (英语). 
  180. ^ 180.0 180.1 180.2 Hsu, Tiffany; Thompson, Stuart A.; Myers, Steven Lee. Conspiracy theorists online grasp for explanation behind indictment.. The New York Times. 2023-03-31 [2023-03-31]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  181. ^ 181.0 181.1 181.2 181.3 181.4 Rohrlich, Justin. Pecker: Trump Asked About Playboy Playmate During White House Visit. The Daily Beast. 2024-04-25 [2024-04-27]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27) (英语). 
  182. ^ 182.0 182.1 Bromwich, Jonah. Tabloid Publisher Describes Deals to Buy Silence at Trump Trial. The New York Times. 2024-04-25 [2024-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-25). 
  183. ^ Breuninger, Kevin. Trump trial: Former top aide Hope Hicks cries as cross-examination begins. CNBC. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-05]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-05) (英语). 
  184. ^ Grenoble, Ryan. Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger Asks Graff About Her Time In The Trump Org. HuffPost. 2024-04-22 [2024-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-26) (英语). 
  185. ^ 185.0 185.1 Katersky, Aaron; Charalambous, Peter; Rubin, Olivia; Bruggeman, Lucien. 3 big takeaways from Day 8 of Trump's hush money trial. ABC News. 2024-04-26 [2024-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  186. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为:19的参考文献提供内容
  187. ^ 187.0 187.1 Shamsian, Jacob. Trump's 'multi-tasking' defense is falling apart in court. Business Insider. 2024-05-12 [2024-05-13] (美国英语). 
  188. ^ Doyle, Katherine. What you missed on Day 8 of Trump's trial: New witnesses and contact info for Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. NBC News. 2024-04-26 [2024-04-29]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-29) (英语). 
  189. ^ 189.0 189.1 189.2 Rothfield, Michael. Gary Farro Describes How Michael Cohen Paid off Stormy Daniels. New York Times. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-01]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-01). 
  190. ^ 190.0 190.1 Scannell, Kara; Del Valle, Lauren; Herb, Jeremy; Collins, Kaitlan. Ex-attorney for Daniels and McDougal testifies in Trump trial - Cohen transferred $131,000 from home equity line of credit about 20 minutes after opening account. CNN. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-01]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-01). 
  191. ^ 191.0 191.1 Scannell, Kara; Del Valle, Lauren; Herb, Jeremy; Collins, Kaitlan. Ex-attorney for Daniels and McDougal testifies in Trump trial. CNN. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-01]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-01). 
  192. ^ Knutson, Jacob. Trump's N.Y. criminal trial: Who has testified and who hasn't. Axios. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-04). 
  193. ^ Thompson's company subpoenaed for video and transcript of Trump deposition in E. Jean Carroll case. CNN. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-04) (英语). 
  194. ^ We're taking a break as DA's office is trying to get hold of the C-SPAN archivist to testify again. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  195. ^ Judge says he reviewed the testimony of the C-SPAN archivist during the lunch break. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  196. ^ Rubin, Jordan. 'Access Hollywood' tape stars in Trump's hush money trial, even if it isn't played. MSNBC.com. 2024-05-01 [2024-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-02) (英语). 
  197. ^ 197.0 197.1 Rothfield, Michael. Keith Davidson, Who Represented Women From Trump's Past, Testifies at Trial. The New York Times. 2024-04-30 [2024-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-30). 
  198. ^ Day 9 of Trump New York hush money trial. CNN. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-01) (英语). 
  199. ^ "I don't believe a word really that you say," Davidson told Cohen after delay of Daniels' payment. CNN. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-01) (英语). 
  200. ^ Davidson let Cohen know he was off the case: "I didn't want to receive a million frustrating phone calls". CNN. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-02) (英语). 
  201. ^ Fitzpatrick, Sarah; Connor, Tracy. Michael Cohen used Trump company email in Stormy Daniels arrangements. NBC. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-30). 
  202. ^ Bekiemphis, Victoria. Stormy Daniels' ex-lawyer questioned about texts with former Enquirer editor. The Guardian. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-01]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-30). 
  203. ^ Lawyer for Stormy Daniels Says He Believed Trump Was Behind Hush-Money Talks. New York Times. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-01]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-30). 
  204. ^ 204.0 204.1 204.2 引用错误:没有为名为:17的参考文献提供内容
  205. ^ Houghtaling, Ellie Quinlan. Michael Cohen's Secret Tapes Spell Trump's Doom in Hush-Money Trial. The New Republic. 2024-05-02 [2024-05-03]. ISSN 0028-6583. (原始内容存档于2024-05-04). 
  206. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为:21的参考文献提供内容
  207. ^ Boboltz, Sara. Stormy Daniels' Lawyer's Texts Reveal Reaction To Trump Win In 2016. HuffPost. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-02]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-03) (英语). 
  208. ^ Texts show Cohen and Davidson agreeing on a statement to CNN about the hush money payment. CNN. 2024-05-02 [2024-05-02]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-02) (英语). 
  209. ^ Jurors hear secret recording of Trump and Michael Cohen allegedly discussing hush money payment. ABC News. [2024-05-10] (英语). 
  210. ^ Shuham, Matt. Hope Hicks Describes Learning About Karen McDougal Affair Story Bought By AMI. HuffPost. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-04) (英语). 
  211. ^ Katersky, Aaron; Charalambous, Peter; Rubin, Olivia; Bruggeman, Lucien; Reinstein, Julia. Trump trial live updates: Hope Hicks breaks down on the stand. ABC News. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-03) –通过Yahoo! News (英语). 
  212. ^ 212.0 212.1 Kates, Graham; Rinaldi, Olivia; Kaufman, Katrina. Hope Hicks testifies at Trump trial about fallout from 'hush money' payments. CBS News. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-05]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-04) (美国英语). 
  213. ^ Shuham, Matt. Hope Hicks Recounts Denials Of Affair To Newspaper. HuffPost. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-04) (英语). 
  214. ^ 214.0 214.1 214.2 214.3 214.4 Queen, Jack; Pierson, Brendan; Sullivan, Andy. Former Trump aide Hope Hicks testifies he told her to deny Stormy Daniels affair. Reuters. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-03]. 
  215. ^ Trump tried to hide news of alleged affair from wife, former aide testifies. The Telegraph. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-03) (英语). 
  216. ^ Blanchet, Ben. Ex-Prosecutor Flags Hope Hicks' Testimony As 'Body Blow' To Trump In Hush Money Trial. HuffPost. 2024-05-04 [2024-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-04) (英语). 
  217. ^ Shuham, Matt. Trump Thought 'Access Hollywood' Dialogue Was 'Pretty Standard Stuff,' Hope Hicks Recalls. HuffPost. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-04) (英语). 
  218. ^ Shuham, Matt. 'This Was A Crisis,' Hope Hicks Says Of 'Access Hollywood' Tape. HuffPost. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-03] (英语). 
  219. ^ Hush money trial live updates: Former Trump senior aide Hope Hicks takes the witness stand. NBC News. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-03] (英语). 
  220. ^ 220.0 220.1 220.2 220.3 220.4 220.5 220.6 220.7 220.8 Former Employee Says Trump Used Personal Account to Repay Hush Money. The New York Times. 2024-05-06 [2024-05-06]. 
  221. ^ 221.0 221.1 221.2 221.3 221.4 221.5 221.6 Scannell, Kara; Del Valle, Lauren; Herb, Jeremy; Souza, Sabrina. Witness testimony to continue in Trump's hush money trial. CNN. 2024-05-06 [2024-05-06]. 
  222. ^ Shuham, Matt. Witness From Trump Organization Accounts Payable Takes Stand. HuffPost. 2024-05-06 [2024-05-06] (英语). 
  223. ^ Shuham, Matt. 'I Cut Checks': Trump Org's Accounts Payable Supervisor Explains Her Job. HuffPost. 2024-05-06 [2024-05-06] (英语). 
  224. ^ 224.0 224.1 224.2 Trump hush money trial live updates: Stormy Daniels takes the stand. Associated Press. 2024-05-07 [2024-05-07]. 
  225. ^ 225.0 225.1 225.2 225.3 225.4 225.5 Protess, Ben; Bromwich, Jonah E.; Haberman, Maggie; Rothfeld, Michael; Swan, Jonathan. Stormy Daniels Tells a Story of Sex With Trump as He Listens in Disgust. The New York Times. 2024-05-07. 
  226. ^ 226.0 226.1 226.2 226.3 Bagchi, Aysha; Crowley, Kinsey; Jansen, Bart. Trump trial live updates: Stormy Daniels testimony concludes, Trump moves for mistrial. USA Today. 2024-05-09 [2024-05-09]. 
  227. ^ 227.00 227.01 227.02 227.03 227.04 227.05 227.06 227.07 227.08 227.09 227.10 227.11 227.12 227.13 227.14 227.15 Stormy Daniels Describes Sexual Encounter With Trump and Is Grilled by His Lawyer. The New York Times. 2024-05-07 [2024-05-07]. 
  228. ^ 228.0 228.1 Gioino, Catherina. Team Trump's Cross-Examination of Stormy Daniels Was Gross. Rolling Stone. 2024-05-11 [2024-05-13] (美国英语). 
  229. ^ Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump. 60 Minutes website (CBS News). 2018-03-25 [2018-03-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-26).  Includes video and transcript.
  230. ^ 230.0 230.1 Scannell, Kara; Del Valle, Lauren; Herb, Jeremy. Stormy Daniels finishes testifying in Trump trial. 2024-05-09 [2024-05-09]. 
  231. ^ Here are the witnesses who have testified so far in the Trump hush money trial. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-21] (英语). 
  232. ^ Feuerherd, Ben. The trial returned from the lunchbreak.... Politico. 2024-05-09 [2024-05-21]. 
  233. ^ Doyle, Katherine. What you missed on Day 14 of the hush money trial: More Stormy Daniels testimony, new witnesses and Trump's office habits. NBC News. 2024-05-09 [2024-05-21] (英语). 
  234. ^ Italiano, Laura; Shamisan, Jacob; Musemeci, Natelie. Trump's 'Access Hollywood' tape prompted RNC to discuss replacing him as a candidate, his former assistant testifies. Business Insider. 2024-05-09 [2024-05-09]. 
  235. ^ 235.0 235.1 235.2 235.3 235.4 235.5 235.6 235.7 Romano, Andrew. Trump trial updates: Fired White House aide Madeleine Westerhout wraps testimony as Michael Cohen expected to testify next week. Yahoo! News. 2024-05-10 [2024-05-10]. 
  236. ^ Woodward, Alex. Ex-White House 'gatekeeper' cries on stand as she testifies about Trump firing her. The Independent. 2024-05-09 [2024-05-10]. 
  237. ^ Live Updates: Quiet End of Week for Trump Trial as Cohen Looms as Witness. New York Times. 2024-05-10 [2024-05-10]. 
  238. ^ 238.00 238.01 238.02 238.03 238.04 238.05 238.06 238.07 238.08 238.09 238.10 238.11 238.12 238.13 238.14 238.15 238.16 238.17 Live Updates: Michael Cohen, Trump's Ex-Fixer and Nemesis, Takes Stand at Hush-Money Trial. The New York Times. 2024-05-13 [2024-05-13]. 
  239. ^ 239.0 239.1 Key takeaways from Donald Trump's hush money trial as the prosecution rests its case. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-21] (英语). 
  240. ^ AP. Michael Cohen Directly Implicates Trump in Testimony. Time. 2024-05-13 [2024-05-24] (英语). 
  241. ^ 241.0 241.1 241.2 引用错误:没有为名为cohentestifying的参考文献提供内容
  242. ^ 242.0 242.1 'Just do it,' Cohen says Trump told him about Daniels payment. ABC News. 2024-05-13 [2024-05-13] (英语). 
  243. ^ 243.0 243.1 Italiano, Laura. Trump's hush money verdict hinges on a single piece of paper. See the most important evidence in the case.. Business Insider. 2024-05-19 [2024-05-20] (美国英语). 
  244. ^ Boboltz, Sara. Cohen Begins Sending Faulty Invoices. HuffPost. 2024-05-13 [2024-05-14] (英语). 
  245. ^ Boboltz, Sara. Cohen Tells Jurors About Committing Perjury Before Congress. HuffPost. 2024-05-13 [2024-05-14] (英语). 
  246. ^ Boboltz, Sara. The Wall Street Journal's Bombshell Stormy Daniels Story Drops. HuffPost. 2024-05-13 [2024-05-14] (英语). 
  247. ^ 247.0 247.1 Boboltz, Sara. Daniels Wanted To Appear On Fox News. HuffPost. 2024-05-13 [2024-05-14] (英语). 
  248. ^ 248.0 248.1 248.2 Stableford, Dylan. Trump trial updates: Michael Cohen faces cross-examination on second day of testimony. 2024-05-14 [2024-05-14]. 
  249. ^ Pagliery, Jose. 'That Was a Lie!': Trump Lawyer Brawls With Michael Cohen. The Daily Beast. 2024-05-17 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  250. ^ Cohen acknowledges he worked with David Pecker in October 2016. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  251. ^ Cohen made 2 calls to Trump on October 26. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  252. ^ Cohen maintains he only spoke to Trump on the phone about Stormy Daniels on October 26: "It was important". CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  253. ^ Jury is shown Cohen's goodbye email to Trump Org.. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  254. ^ Defense is now showing emails to Cohen from Weisselberg. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  255. ^ Cohen says Trump's sons signed the checks because they were the trustees. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  256. ^ Cohen confirms he received 9 checks of $35,000 each in 2017. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  257. ^ Trump watching Cohen as defense presses Cohen about stealing from Trump Org.. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  258. ^ Evidence that Cohen stole from Trump Org. a "bomb dropped in the middle of the prosecution's case". CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  259. ^ 259.0 259.1 Live updates: Michael Cohen testifies in Donald Trump's hush money trial. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  260. ^ The key points from Michael Cohen's testimony this morning. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  261. ^ Blanche turns to when the Stormy Daniels payment became public. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  262. ^ Higgins, Tucker; Breuninger, Kevin. Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen pleads guilty, admits to making illegal payments at direction of candidate to influence election. CNBC. 2018-08-21 [2018-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-21). 
  263. ^ Cohen confirms he stopped making money after pleading guilty in 2018. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  264. ^ Cohen says he's made about $4.4 million from podcasts and books since 2020. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  265. ^ Trump looks intently at witness stand as Cohen says he has financial interest in outcome of the case. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  266. ^ Cohen says "it's better" if Trump is not found guilty because it would give him more to talk about. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  267. ^ Cohen is asked about his conversations with Weisselberg about retainer agreement. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-25] (英语). 
  268. ^ Hammond, Elise. “Trump's hush money trial is coming to an end. Here's what the defense said in closing arguments”, CNN (May 28, 2024).
  269. ^ Scannell, Kara et al. “Blanche alleges Cohen was lying when saying there wasn't a retainer agreement with Trump in 2017”, CNN (May 28, 2024).
  270. ^ Uebelacker, Erik. “Trump’s lawyer pans Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels during closing arguments”, Courthouse News Service英语Courthouse News Service (May 28, 2024).
  271. ^ Trump defense team concludes cross-examination of Michael Cohen. ABC News. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20]. 
  272. ^ Cheney, Kyle; Order, Erica; Feuerherd, Ben. Trump's hush money trial is nearing an end after a day of heated Cohen cross. Politico. 2024-05-16 [2024-05-16]. 
  273. ^ Michael Cohen is called to the stand. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-20] (英语). 
  274. ^ Lee, Ella; Schonfeld, Zach. Trump opts not to testify in hush money trial as defense rests. The Hill. 2024-05-21 [2024-05-21]. 
  275. ^ 275.0 275.1 Bustillo, Ximena. Trump won't testify in his New York hush money trial. NPR. 2024-05-21 [2024-05-21]. 
  276. ^ 276.0 276.1 276.2 Trump says he didn't testify in part because of his 'past'. ABC News. 2024-05-22 [2024-05-23] (英语). 
  277. ^ 277.0 277.1 Durkee, Alison. Will Trump Testify At Hush Money Trial? Attorney Habba Says He 'Wants' To Take The Stand—But Legal Experts Warn Against It.. Forbes. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-25] (英语). 
  278. ^ Judge tells Trump he has 'absolute right to testify'. ABC News. [2024-05-23] (英语). 
  279. ^ Defense hasn't decided if Trump will testify, per transcript. ABC News. 2023-05-14 [2024-05-24] (英语). 'And do you have any indication whether your client is going to testify?' Merchan asked defense attorney Todd Blanche. 'No,' Blanche replied. 'No determination yet?' Merchan asked. 'No,' Blanche said. 
  280. ^ Lizza, Ryan; Bade, Rachael; Daniels, Eugene. Playbook: The Trump trial's known unknowns. Politico. Eli Okun, Garrett Ross and Bethany Irvine. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-24]. 
  281. ^ Benen, Steve. Why Trump said he'd testify in his criminal trial — but didn't. MSNBC.com. 2024-05-22 [2024-05-24] (英语). During a relatively brief Q&A with reporters at the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse yesterday, the Republican was asked specifically about his decision not to testify. Trump simply walked away, ignoring the question. 
  282. ^ 282.0 282.1 Barrett, Devlin; Dawsey, Josh; Jacobs, Shayna. Lawyer preparation suggests Trump won't testify in New York trial. Washington Post. 2024-05-18 [2024-05-25]. 
  283. ^ Exclusive interview with President Donald Trump 05-22-24 – 77 WABC. wabcradio.com. 2024-05-22 [2024-05-23]. 
  284. ^ 284.0 284.1 Cheney, Kyle; Mutnick, Ally; Feuerherd, Ben. Trump claims he wants to testify at his trial. No one else thinks he should.. Politico. [2024-05-24]. 
  285. ^ Writer, Andrew Stanton Weekend Staff. Former FEC chairman defends Donald Trump: Alvin Bragg is "wrong". Newsweek. 2024-05-21 [2024-05-27] (英语). 
  286. ^ Smith, Brad. Trump's Best Defense Has Nothing To Do With Bragg Or Merchan. The Federalist. 2024-04-15 [2024-05-27]. 
  287. ^ Smith, Bradley. Those payments to women were unseemly. That doesn’t mean they were illegal.. Washington Post. 2018-08-23 [2024-05-27]. 
  288. ^ Gerstein, Josh. Judge limits scope of testimony from Trump's planned expert witness: Trump's team wanted the expert to testify about details of campaign finance law.. Politico. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-27]. 
  289. ^ 289.0 289.1 Italiano, Natalie Musumeci, Laura. Trump's election-law witness Bradley Smith is getting $1,200 an hour to testify — and spin reporters. Business Insider. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-27]. 
  290. ^ 290.0 290.1 Boyd, Jordan. Judge Bans Fmr FEC Chairman From Sharing Facts In Trump Trial. The Federalist. 2024-05-07 [2024-05-27]. 
  291. ^ York, Byron. Brad Smith: What I would have told the Trump jury - Washington Examiner. Washington Examiner. 2024-05-21 [2024-05-27]. 
  292. ^ Colton, Emma. Key Trump witness nixed after Merchan's stringent rulings reveals what his testimony would have been. Fox News. 2024-05-21 [2024-05-27]. 
  293. ^ Goldini, Melissa. Judge in Trump’s hush money trial did not bar campaign finance expert from testifying for defense. AP News. 2024-05-21 [2024-05-27] (英语). 
  294. ^ Hasen, Rick. Brad Smith Not Testifying in Trump Trial, Says Judge’s Bias is "Very Evident". Election Law Blog. 2024-05-21 [2024-05-27]. 
  295. ^ Protess, Ben; Bromwich, Jonah E.; Rashbaum, William K. Grand Jury Votes to Indict Donald Trump in New York: Live Updates - Mr. Trump will be the first former president to face criminal charges. The precise charges are not yet known, but the case is focused on a hush-money payment to a porn star during his 2016 campaign.. The New York Times. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-30). 
  296. ^ Michael Cohen finishes testimony and defense calls first witnesses. Catch up on a dramatic day in court. CNN. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-21] (英语). 
  297. ^ Jacobs, Shayna; Berman, Mark; Alemany, Jacqueline; Dawsey, Josh. Trump indicted by N.Y. grand jury, first ex-president charged with crime. The Washington Post. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-30). 
  298. ^ Judge in Trump's hush money trial threatened to remove witness from court for behavior on stand. AP News. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-21] (英语). 
  299. ^ 299.0 299.1 299.2 299.3 299.4 299.5 299.6 299.7 Trump trial live updates: Defense rests in New York hush money case. NBC News. 2024-05-21 [2024-05-21]. 
  300. ^ Pagliery, Jose. MAGA Lawyer Gets Dismantled by His Own Damning Trump Emails. The Daily Beast. 2024-05-21 [2024-05-22] (英语). 
  301. ^ Palmer, Ewan. Donald Trump seethes at not getting final word at trial: "Very unfair". Newsweek. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-29] (英语). 
  302. ^ McHardy, Martha. Trump mocked for his ‘ignorance’ as he rails against standard criminal trial process. The Independent. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-29] (英语). 
  303. ^ Ramirez, Nikki McCann. Trump Squeezes in All-Caps Meltdown Before Jury Begins Deliberating. Rolling Stone. 2024-05-29 [2024-05-30]. 
  304. ^ 304.0 304.1 Ramirez, Nikki McCann. Trump Again Claims Standard Trial Procedure Is Proof of Corruption. Rolling Stone. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-29]. 
  305. ^ See courtroom sketches from the defense's closing argument in Trump's trial. CNN. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-28] (英语). 
  306. ^ 306.00 306.01 306.02 306.03 306.04 306.05 306.06 306.07 306.08 306.09 306.10 306.11 306.12 306.13 306.14 Scannell, Kara; Del Valle, Lauren; Herb, Jeremy. Closing arguments wrap in Trump hush money trial. CNN. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-28]. 
  307. ^ Judge calls defense attorney's comment on sending Trump to prison 'outrageous'. CNN. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-28] (英语). 
  308. ^ Barrett, Devlin. Live updates: Prosecutors in Trump hush money trial allege ‘subversion of democracy’. The Washington Post. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-28] (英语). 
  309. ^ Herb, Jeremy; del Valle, Lauren; Scannell, Kara. Takeaways from closing arguments in the Donald Trump hush money trial. CNN. 2024-05-29 [2024-05-29] (英语). 
  310. ^ Bekiempis, Victoria; Clayton, Abené; Chao-Fong, Léonie. Prosecution concludes closing argument with plea to find Trump guilty in hush-money trial – as it happened. The Guardian. 2024-05-29 [2024-05-29]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  311. ^ 311.0 311.1 311.2 The AP. Live updates: Closing arguments in Trump's hush money trial. PBS NewsHour. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-29] (美国英语). 
  312. ^ Queen, Jack; Cohen, Luc; Sullivan, Andy. Trump sought to 'hoodwink' voters with porn star payment, prosecutor tells jury. Reuters. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-29]. 
  313. ^ Kates, Graham. What happens if Trump is convicted in New York? No one can really say. CBS News. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-29]. 
  314. ^ Chaitin, Daniel. Secret Service Prepares For Possibility Of Trump Going To Jail: Report. The Daily Wire. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-29] (英语). 
  315. ^ Jane, Talia. Is the Secret Service Gearing Up to Jail Donald Trump?. Yahoo! News. 2024-05-28 [2024-05-29]. 
  316. ^ Scannell, Kara; del Valle, Lauren; Herb, Jeremy. Jury begins deliberations in New York hush money trial against Trump. CNN. 2024-05-29 [2024-05-29] (英语). 
  317. ^ Analysis: It's not surprising jurors want some testimony read out as they were only allowed to take notes. CNN. 2024-05-29 [2024-05-29] (英语). 
  318. ^ The readback is estimated to take about 30 minutes, court reporter says. CNN. 2024-05-29 [2024-05-29] (英语). 
  319. ^ Jurors in Trump hush money trial end 1st day of deliberations after asking to rehear testimony. AP News. 2024-05-29 [2024-05-30] (英语). 
  320. ^ It could take hours for court to fulfill jury's request to hear testimony, lawyer says. CNN. 2024-05-29 [2024-05-29] (英语). 
  321. ^ Shepherd, Brittany. Plurality of the public supports Trump indictment: POLL. ABC News. 2023-04-02 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-02). 
  322. ^ Agiesta, Jennifer. CNN Poll: Majority of Americans approve of Trump indictment. CNN Politics. 2023-04-03 [2023-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-04). 
  323. ^ Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America. DonaldJTrump.com. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-30). 
  324. ^ Scherer, Michael. Republican rivals, leaders rally around Donald Trump after indictment. The Washington Post. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. ISSN 0190-8286. 
  325. ^ Smith, Allan; Burns, Dasha. Trump campaign says it raised more than $4 million in the 24 hours after his indictment. NBC News. 2023-04-01 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-01). 
  326. ^ Gregorian, Dareh; Reiss, Adam. Who's Judge Juan Merchan? Trump says he 'hates me' but lawyers say he's fair. NBC News. 2023-04-01 [2023-04-01]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-01). 
  327. ^ Crane-Newman, Molly; Goldiner, Dave. Donald Trump, now indicted, attacks hush money case Judge Juan Merchan: 'HATES ME'. New York Daily News. 2023-04-01 [2023-04-01]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-01). 
  328. ^ Gregorian, Dareh; Reiss, Adam. Who's Judge Juan Merchan? Trump says he 'hates me' but lawyers say he's fair. NBC News. 2023-03-31 [2023-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-01). Lucian Chalfen, a spokesman for the state court system, said Merchan had been randomly assigned to supervise the investigative grand jury, and that judges who supervise such probes are then assigned to try any cases that come out of the grand jury. 
  329. ^ Wong, Scott. Trump allies erupt in fury over former president's indictment. NBC News. March 30, 2023 [March 30, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 31, 2023). 
  330. ^ Wong, Scott. Trump allies erupt in fury over former president's indictment. NBC News. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  331. ^ McCarthy, Kevin [@SpeakerMcCarthy]. Alvin Bragg has irreparably damaged our country in an attempt to interfere in our Presidential election. (推文). 2023-03-31 –通过Twitter. 
  332. ^ Gans, Jared. Graham calls for Fox News viewers to donate to Trump: 'They're trying to bleed him dry'. The Hill. 2023-03-31 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-01). 
  333. ^ Sharp, Rachel. Tearful Lindsey Graham begs Trump fans to give him money to fight indictment. The Independent. 2023-04-01 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-02). 
  334. ^ Treene, Alayna. House committee chairmen double down on Manhattan DA oversight efforts. CNN. 2022-03-26 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-01). 
  335. ^ Broadwater, Luke; E. Bromwich, Jonah; Protess, Ben. Prosecutor in Trump Hush-Money Case Fires Back at House Republicans. The New York Times. 2023-03-30 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  336. ^ Karni, Annie; Broadwater, Luke. House G.O.P., Defending Trump, Targets Bragg Ahead of Expected Indictment. The New York Times. 2023-03-20 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-02). 
  337. ^ 337.0 337.1 337.2 Grayer, Annie; Treene, Alayna; Zanona, Melanie; Holmes, Kristen. Inside the backchannel communications keeping Donald Trump in the loop on Republican investigations. CNN. 2023-03-28 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  338. ^ 338.0 338.1 紐約投案後首受訪 川普:法庭人員哭著向我說對不起. Yahoo News. 2023-04-12 [2023-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-21) (中文). 
  339. ^ Morin, Rebecca. 'An outrage': What Trump's potential rivals for 2024 are saying about his indictment. USA Today. 2023-03-31 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-01). 
  340. ^ Robertson, Nick. Asa Hutchinson: Trump should 'step aside' from 2024 race after indictment. The Hill. 2023-03-31 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-01). 
  341. ^ Haberman, Maggie. Mike Pence, on a previously booked TV interview, calls the indictment 'an outrage.'. The New York Times. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  342. ^ Samuels, Brett; Greenwood, Max. DeSantis: Florida won't cooperate with Trump extradition. The Hill. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  343. ^ Garcia, Eric; Feinberg, Andrew. Can Florida governor Ron DeSantis stop Trump's arrest?. The Independent. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-29). 
  344. ^ 潘勋. 起訴川普案由牽強 反川派也傻眼. 联合报. 2023-04-07 [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-07). 
  345. ^ Schnell, Mychael; Brooks, Emily. Democrats hail, Republicans blast Trump indictment. The Hill. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  346. ^ Elkind, Elizabeth. Dems react to Trump indictment: Schiff calls it 'sobering,' Waters knew 'Stormy Daniels would get him'. Fox News. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  347. ^ Glueck, Katie; Epstein, Reid J. Joy, vindication and anxiety: Democrats absorb a consequential moment.. The New York Times. 2023-03-31 [2023-03-31]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  348. ^ Glueck, Katie. Democratic reaction focuses on a theme: accountability.. The New York Times. 2023-03-31 [2023-03-31]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-03-30). 
  349. ^ 'Get the hell out of here!': Jamaal Bowman shouts after Marjorie Taylor Greene's car. NBC News. 2023-04-04 [2023-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-04). 
  350. ^ 350.0 350.1 E. Bromwich, Jonah; Protess, Ben; K. Rashbaum, William. 关于特朗普面临的刑事指控,你应该知道的. 纽约时报. 2023-04-06 [2023-04-09]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-09). 
  351. ^ 351.0 351.1 Durkin Richer, Alanna; Long, Colleen; Peltz, Jennifer. Analysis: Trump hush money case raises thorny legal issues. Associated Press. 2023-04-05 [2023-04-05]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-05). 
  352. ^ Grynbaum, Michael; Kim, Victoria. Fox News hosts defend Trump, after months of keeping some distance. The New York Times. 2023-03-31 [2023-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  353. ^ Smith, David. After indictment, Trump will play the victim – and the tactic will work for many Republicans. The Guardian. 2023-03-31 [2023-03-31]. ISSN 0261-3077. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  354. ^ Luce, Edward. It's unwise to get Trump on a technicality. Financial Times. 2023-03-22 [2023-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-29). 
  355. ^ White, Ken. Alvin Bragg's Case Against Trump Is Still a Mystery. Rolling Stone. 2023-04-05 [2023-04-05]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-05). 
  356. ^ 356.0 356.1 356.2 蔡佳敏、陈昱婷. 川普遭重罪起訴 專家:指控薄弱恐難定罪. 中央社. 2023-04-06 [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-06). 
  357. ^ Ruth Marcus英语Ruth Marcus (journalist). Opinion | The Trump indictment is a dangerous leap on the highest of wires. Washington Post. 2023-04-04 [2023-04-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-05). 
  358. ^ Stanley-Becker, Isaac; Nix, Naomi. Fake images of Trump arrest show 'giant step' for AI's disruptive power. The Washington Post. 2023-03-22 [2023-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-25). 
  359. ^ Dale, Daniel. Breaking down Trump's 'Soros' attack on the Manhattan DA. CNN. 2023-03-31 [2023-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-02). 
  360. ^ Qiu, Linda. Explaining the Ties Between Alvin Bragg and George Soros. The New York Times. 2023-03-23 [2023-04-01]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  361. ^ Schwartz, Brian. Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's ties to billionaire George Soros are not as close as Republicans claim. CNBC. 2023-03-22 [2023-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-02). 
  362. ^ Murray, Sara; Morris, Jason. Trump indictment in New York not expected to impact timing of Georgia probe. CNN. 2023-03-30 [2023-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  363. ^ Stempel, Jonathan. Trump fails to narrow rape accuser's case as trial looms. Reuters. 2023-03-28 [2023-03-29]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-05). 
  364. ^ Berman, Dan. Carroll v. Trump jurors will be anonymous, judge says, citing Trump's reaction to hush money investigation. CNN. 2023-03-23 [2023-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-02). 
